
Evaluating the PTO’s Proposed Fee Structure

Evaluating the PTO’s Proposed Fee Structure

Proposed fee structure remains flawed and may contribute to the perception of a “broken” patent system.

Why We Should Not (Always) Blame Congress

Why We Should Not (Always) Blame Congress

A rare bipartisan statute significantly reforms the National Flood Insurance Program.

Regulating at Midnight

Regulating at Midnight

Are regulatory analyses worse when rules are issued in the closing days of an outgoing administration?

Regulation as a Dynamic Macroeconomic Enterprise

Regulation as a Dynamic Macroeconomic Enterprise

Regulators can do a better job of anticipating reactions when designing regulations.

Improving How Agencies Collect Information

Improving How Agencies Collect Information

My recent ACUS report presents three conclusions to frame proposed improvements.

Can the White House Trim U.S. Paperwork?

Can the White House Trim U.S. Paperwork?

OIRA memo is admirable but bolder action by Congress may be needed.

Bureaucratic Rules: A Tale of Two Libraries

Bureaucratic Rules: A Tale of Two Libraries

Differing bureaucratic missions produce different regulatory environments for visitors at two major government libraries.

Is Flexible Regulation an Oxymoron?

Is Flexible Regulation an Oxymoron?

Regulatory flexibility makes sense only when comparing rules’ stringency, structure, specificity, and scope.

Drawing Inspiration from James Q. Wilson’s “Bureaucracy”

Drawing Inspiration from James Q. Wilson’s “Bureaucracy”

Few have had as much influence on my development as a researcher as Professor Wilson.

A Simple Solution to Ineffective Regulations

A Simple Solution to Ineffective Regulations

Two CPSC Commissioners explain how to improve consumer product safety regulation.

Jim Wilson: From Human Nature to Middle Initials

Jim Wilson: From Human Nature to Middle Initials

Jim Wilson continues to influence my professional career in unintended but delightful ways.

James Q. Wilson and Evidence-Based Government

James Q. Wilson and Evidence-Based Government

Evidence-based research was the crux of James Q. Wilson’s approach to government policy.