Promoting Best Practices for U.S. Regulatory Analysis
Benefit-cost analysis experts advocate changes to a draft update of OMB Circular A-4.
Assessing Algorithms for Public Good
Requiring algorithmic impact assessments would promote responsible decision-making and inform future policies.
New Technology Requires New Regulatory Ambitions
In the face of new technologies, a nonprofit auto safety body provides an institutional model for elevating public protection ambitions.
Does the Constitution Require Agencies to Use Biased Judges?
The Supreme Court should uphold longstanding legislation protecting the neutrality of administrative law judges.
Who Favors Making ALJs At-Will Employees?
An upcoming Supreme Court case highlights why businesses and individuals favor for-cause protection for administrative law judges.
The Underused Field for Clean Energy
Congress and agencies should make better use of land use authorities to meet clean energy goals.
OpenAI Investigation Puts AI Companies on Notice
The FTC’s investigation of ChatGPT may shed light on how consumer protection law applies to artificial intelligence.
Should Big Tech Pay for the Use of Telecom Networks?
EU regulators are considering whether to require major technology firms to pay to use telecom networks.
Regulatory Discretion Fosters Clean Tech
Increased regulatory discretion can improve outcomes for entrepreneurs and enhance the impact of stakeholder activists.
Online Processes in Agency Adjudication
Agencies can improve their adjudicatory processes by broadening access to their electronic case management systems.
Improving Virtual Public Engagement
A new series of recommendations from ACUS will help agencies improve their use of virtual engagement in rulemakings.
Artificial Intelligence for Retrospective Regulatory Review
Artificial intelligence can help agencies review and improve their existing regulations.