Agencies Should Provide Enhanced Procedural Protections in Aggregate Settlements
Agencies fail to provide necessary fairness when they compensate large groups of people.
Prospects for Regulatory Reform
Congress should use a rare political moment to improve the U.S. regulatory process.
Gainful Employment Rule Hurts College Students and Schools
New Department of Education rule places excessive restrictions on federal funding for higher education.
A Silver Lining in the Supreme Court’s Latest Climate Change Decision
In the process of handing environmentalists a loss in AEP v. Connecticut, the Court strengthens the EPA’s authority over greenhouse gas emissions.
How Bad Math at Federal Agencies Undervalues Human Life
Agencies underestimate the value of human life by consistently ignoring health inflation and wealth inflation.
Tracking Down Killer Regulations
The federal government lacks an independent office to provide retrospective analysis of regulations’ costs and benefits.
Why Congress Should Not Codify Cost-Benefit Analysis Requirements
Codifying cost-benefit analysis requirements of Executive Order would preempt valuable nuances of current review system.
The Myths of Benefit-Cost Analysis
Congress should resist the popular misconceptions of the critics of benefit-cost analysis.
The Administration’s Regulatory Review Plans Move Toward Evidence-Based Governance
The White House has just released the first plans for retrospective reviews of existing regulations from thirty agencies, making a notable step toward evidence-based governance.
Why the REINS Act Is Unwise If Not Also Unconstitutional
A proposed act would hinder needed regulations, thereby interfering with the executive branch’s constitutional authority to execute the law.
Let’s Review the Rules
Agencies can narrow the political gap over regulation by retrospectively measuring the actual impact of their regulations.
Google, Microsoft, and Monopoly Probe: Does Attitude Mean Anything?
Corporate culture affects how antitrust regulators and judges perceive the actions of corporations.