Using AI to Reduce Performance Risk in U.S. Procurement
Advances in digital technology can help in managing the goals of federal acquisition.
Retooling the Acquisition Gateway for Responsible AI
For government to make the most of artificial intelligence, it needs changes throughout the procurement life cycle.
The Procurement Path to AI Governance
Procurement standards could promote responsible use of artificial intelligence by government.
Drilling Approvals are Not the Reason for High Oil Prices
Despite criticism, the Biden Administration’s drilling approvals have had little impact on current prices.
Did Step Zero Help Doom Chevron?
One of the Supreme Court’s most significant administrative law precedents may soon be overturned.
Increasing Access to Credit in Communities of Color
Updating the Community Reinvestment Act to promote special purpose credit programs could improve equity in credit and lending.
Cataloging and Clarifying Judicial Review Statutes
Congress should seek to remove procedural obstacles that inhibit statutory access to judicial review.
Improving the Quality of Mass Justice
Agencies need to pursue systematic efforts to provide quality assurance in their adjudicatory processes.
Updating the Congressional Review Act
Congress should modify the Congressional Review Act to enhance clarity and improve oversight of agencies.
Public Access to Agency Adjudicative Proceedings
Agencies should craft rules about public access to their adjudicative proceedings.
Regulating Representatives in Agency Adjudicative Proceedings
Agencies can promote ethical practices by adopting rules of conduct for attorneys and other representatives in adjudication.
Cryptocurrency and the Climate Crisis
Proponents of crypto must demonstrate that its value to society exceeds its significant environmental costs.