The Constitutionality of Federal Regulation in Indian Country
A recent Supreme Court decision challenges centuries of congressional regulatory authority over native nations.
Critical Race Theory and the Trust Responsibility
Critical race theory training is essential for fulfilling the U.S. government’s moral and fiduciary obligation to Tribes.
To Democratize Regulation, Reform Regulatory Analysis
Regulators must incorporate public values into their cost-benefit analyses.
Tribal Regulatory Authority to Combat Climate Change
If the U.S. Congress fails to act on climate change, it should empower Indian tribes to protect their members.
The Most Significant Indian Law Decision in a Century
A recent Supreme Court decision will have major implications for regulatory authority over tribal land in Oklahoma.
The Tribal COVID-19 Response
Native communities have responded to the pandemic in fast-moving, expertise-driven, and innovative ways.
The Legacy of Federal Control in Indian Country
Promoting Native environmental regulation requires confronting historically fraught federal-tribal relationships.
Supreme Court Reinstates Barriers to Abortion by Telemedicine
The Court requires in-person visits for patients seeking medication abortion despite the risks of COVID-19.
Cognitive Limits on the Value of Consumer Autonomy
Cold weather spikes in Texas electricity prices reveal the risks of uninformed consumer choice in complex markets.
Complicated Environmental Regulation in Indian Country
Federal and state environmental regulations ignore and exclude Native perspectives.
Biometric Data and Midnight Regulations
The Biden Administration should assess the long-term effect of a Trump era biometric data collection policy.
Solving Climate Change through Retirement Plan Regulation
A new ESG Rule is needed to allow sustainable investing of retirement plan assets.