Innovation and Securities Regulation
The SEC should do more to support the use of innovative technologies by investors in capital markets.
The Evolution of Delaware’s Corporate Oversight Doctrine
Recent court decisions have set the stage for greater board accountability for corporate regulatory noncompliance.
Antitrust and Regulation Over Time
As the scope of regulation in an industry narrows, the scope of potential antitrust liability becomes broader.
Remembering and Continuing RBG’s Legacy
Justice Ginsburg paved the way toward gender equality, inspiring generations to advocate justice under the law.
A Decade of Political Swings, and Consistency
Presidential administrations have taken dramatically different approaches to regulation over the last ten years.
The Art of the Climate Change War
The world needs a new strategy to fight climate change aggressively and effectively.
Hidden in Plain Sight: Why Regulations Need a Fresh Look
Distinguished lecturer discusses restoring public support for regulation and how regulatory benefits are hidden in plain sight.
Abortion Regulation in the Age of COVID-19
Both abortion advocates and opponents have used the COVID-19 crisis to further their policy goals.
When Tech Giants Want to Play Banker
In financially uncertain times, regulators should be attentive to Facebook’s plan to issue a cryptocurrency.
The Pandemic’s Toll on Science
Deep state conspiracies threaten science and degrade public trust in government amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
The ADA, Telework, and the Post-Pandemic Workplace
The EEOC should update its guidance to encourage employers to provide telework as a reasonable accommodation.
Heuristics and Small Business Response to Regulation
Applying behavioral economics to the study of regulation could help improve attitudes among business owners.