Delegation’s Critics Should Be Careful What They Wish For
The history of the intelligible principle test warrants caution in reviving the nondelegation doctrine.
Soft Regulation and Hard Compliance in Taiwan
The secret to Taiwan’s successful fight against COVID-19 is its people, not its government.
The Need for Global Protections Against Existential Risks
International collaborative mechanisms are needed to prepare for threats to human existence.
Did Japan’s Lenient Lockdown Conquer the Coronavirus?
Despite federal attempts to fight COVID-19, Japanese law prioritizes individual rights and regional autonomy.
Lessons From New Zealand’s COVID-19 Success
The United States might well have saved many lives by following New Zealand’s science-based playbook.
Legitimacy, Not Force, Is Key to Presidential Power
President Donald J. Trump’s response to police violence and peaceful protests undermines governmental legitimacy.
Italy’s Complex Legislative Framework Impairs its COVID-19 Response
Italy’s pandemic policies struggle with the same legislative and regulatory challenges as traditional laws.
It Is Time for the Fed to Stop Bank Shareholder Payouts
The Federal Reserve should order banks to preserve capital by retaining earnings and halting all shareholder payouts.
Vietnam’s Astonishing Success at Curbing COVID-19 Outbreaks
Decades-long efforts in Vietnam to improve local governance have kept recorded coronavirus cases low.
Coordinating Colombia’s Pandemic Response
Colombia lacks procedures for ensuring coordination among different levels of government.
Responding to COVID-19 Without Public Trust
Despite a robust regulatory scheme, Chilean officials struggle to follow experts and respond to COVID-19 effectively.
Will the EU Make its Better Regulation Strategy Truly Better?
The pandemic offers the chance for the European Union to expand the scope of better regulation through innovation.