Trump’s Flawed Rollback of Fuel Economy Rules
Recent regulatory retreat over automobile fuel efficiency undermines both climate progress and U.S. competitiveness.
South Korea’s Success Against COVID-19
Transparency, communication, and collaboration are the key weapons in the fight against COVID-19.
COVID-19 and Cooperative Administrative Federalism in Germany
Germany’s response to COVID-19 consists of federal delegation, state regulation, and multi-level cooperation.
Continuous Judicial Review in Coronavirus Times
The Israeli judiciary exerts oversight and influence over the executive’s COVID-19 response.
The Match Between COVID-19 and Plastic Bans
The COVID-19 pandemic tests the strength of U.S. bans on single-use plastic products.
Rescuing the European Economy from COVID-19
Political and constitutional constraints hinder the EU’s response to the economic crisis.
Regulating in Times of Tragic Choices
As Italy begins its second phase of COVID-19 regulation, trust in government regulatory action is essential.
Rethinking Judicial Oversight in a Time of Crisis
Administrative accountability demands resilient courts, especially in emergencies.
India’s Executive Response to COVID-19
Executive action, and judicial deference to it, dominate India’s pandemic response.
Businesses That Reopen Unsafely Should Be Subject to Liability
Conflicting signals from public officials about when and how to restart the economy following the COVID-19 shutdown hardly inspire confidence.
The U.K. Races to Catch Up on COVID-19
The United Kingdom’s lockdown measures prompt questions of its legality.
Regulatory Justification and Coordination in South Africa
The government’s response to COVID-19 highlights the importance of expertise and cooperation in regulation.