A Call to Arms Research
Lack of quality data hinders policymakers’ ability to create effective gun regulation.
Gun Regulation Is Costly—and Not the Only Option
Policymakers should deploy strategies beyond regulation to reduce gun-related harm.
What Firearms Law and Regulatory Scholarship Can Learn from Each Other
Firearms law and regulatory scholars must come together to tackle the gun control problem.
Limitations of Federal Gun Regulation
Existing and proposed federal regulations on gun dealers are inadequate.
Effective Gun Regulation Can Be Compatible with Gun Rights
Lobbying and appropriations limits undermine the enforcement of gun regulations.
Warren’s Bill Presents Progressive Vision for Rulemaking Reform
Recent bill would boost public participation and reduce capture in the regulatory process.
Electronic Case Management Can Improve Adjudication
Agencies can benefit from using digital technology to manage case files.
Severability in Agency Rulemaking
Agencies should include severability clauses in rules to minimize legal uncertainty.
Improving the Efficiency of the Paperwork Reduction Act
ACUS collaborated with agency officials to identify inefficiencies in the PRA approval process.
Getting Agencies Back Into the Game
Regulatory reform should reduce rulemaking burdens to promote effective agency action.
General Rules for Agency Adjudications?
Model Adjudication Rules provide agencies with a guide for improving their own procedures.