
President Trump’s Space Force Is a Recipe for Wasteful Spending

President Trump’s Space Force Is a Recipe for Wasteful Spending

Militarizing space could open the door to an arms race and excess spending.

FDA Reform Needs to Look More Like Tax Reform

FDA Reform Needs to Look More Like Tax Reform

U.S. regulators should model the medical device classification process on recent tax reform.

Restoring Science and Economics to EPA’s Benefit Calculation

Restoring Science and Economics to EPA’s Benefit Calculation

EPA’s proposed transparency rules would make the agency’s analyses more scientifically rigorous.

The Challenges of Cryptocurrency Regulation

The Challenges of Cryptocurrency Regulation

Volatile cryptocurrencies require regulation, but regulators face many questions about how to do so.

Responding to Anti-Regulatory Tropes

Responding to Anti-Regulatory Tropes

Marchand’s argument questions key regulatory processes and ignores the net benefits of regulation.

Regulatory Process in Dire Need of Reform

Regulatory Process in Dire Need of Reform

EPA exemplifies how agency rulemaking pushes the boundaries of lawful policymaking.

Environmental Justice Is Worth Fighting For

Environmental Justice Is Worth Fighting For

Despite challenges posed by climate change, recent policymaking leaves room for optimism.

Environmental Protection Requires More than Social Resilience

Environmental Protection Requires More than Social Resilience

Achieving the green economy requires taking into account divisive politics and distributive justice.

A Green Economy Must Achieve Climate Justice

A Green Economy Must Achieve Climate Justice

Environmental policymaking should focus on serving the underprivileged.

Expanding Environmental Justice to Achieve a Just Transition

Expanding Environmental Justice to Achieve a Just Transition

Vulnerable communities will benefit from a holistic and place-based focus in the shift toward a green economy.

The Jobs and Regulation Issue Revisited

The Jobs and Regulation Issue Revisited

Sound policy requires a deeper understanding of the interplay between regulation and unemployment.

Regulating the Green Economy

Regulating the Green Economy

Environmentalists and human-needs advocates must come together to drive the green economy movement.