Trump Never Really Ordered a Halt to Child Separations
The President’s executive order purportedly ending family separations was merely symbolic.
Hyping the Cost of Regulation
Regulatory action should be based on accurate estimates of regulatory benefits and costs.
Science and Democratic Policy in a Data-Driven World
Public access to data behind regulations should not be a political question.
Deconstructing Regulatory Science
Proposed limits to EPA’s consideration of scientific data threaten timely, sound policymaking.
Increasing EPA’s Scientific Transparency
Despite concerns, environmental agency’s “transparent science” proposed rule supports existing guidelines.
Laying Down the Law on Rule Delays
Recent judicial decisions help clarify the legality of rule freezes after a change in administration.
Marketcraft and the Digital Economy
Information technology has disrupted regulatory regimes and recast policy debates.
Reducing Global Income Inequality by Empowering Entrepreneurship
Research suggests removing barriers to entry would effectively lower global income inequality.
Searching for the “New Labor Law”
More collaboration between government, employers, and labor would help combat income inequality.
Partisanship Drives State Agencies’ Resistance to Federal Regulation
Data show that geography and party affiliation predict state agencies’ pushback against federal policies.
Advancing Regulatory Policy to Improve the Lives of the American People
Improving regulatory performance is vital for making Americans better off.
Regulatory Impact Assessment in the Age of Partisan Volatility
Policy oscillation creates serious problems that may require government scrutiny.