Do We Know How Risky E-Cigarettes Are?
E-cigarettes are less dangerous than is generally believed, posing a unique information challenge for regulators.
Expanding the Right to Vote
From expanding the electorate to adopting online voter registration, states and localities are engaged in democracy-enhancing efforts.
Inside Agency Class Actions
Most agencies enjoy authority to aggregate cases and would benefit from doing so, but very few actually do.
Restoring Pollution Prevention and the Concept of Positive Freedom
Scholar espouses a renewed focus on pollution prevention efforts, with an appreciation of government’s ability to effect meaningful reform.
Red Tape on the Upswing
Experts argue that the number and cost of regulations sharply rose in 2015—at a rate that has held steady in 2016.
Valuing a Ton of Particulate Matter
What is the cost of emitting soot into the atmosphere? The answer is unclear, yet it plays an important role in policymaking.
Donald Trump, the “Workers’ Party” Candidate, on Regulation
Experts argue that Donald Trump’s focus on jobs and worker impacts instead of the application of the net social benefits test is imprudent.
Should the Education Department Hear Class Actions when Colleges Collapse?
The agency’s proposal to streamline student loan forgiveness claims is laudable, with its potential for a fairer, more efficient process.
How OSHA Can Succeed with the Cards It Is Dealt
Despite its wide-ranging capabilities, OSHA has often let its detractors have their way. To combat this, it should enlist partners in all directions.
A Reply to Professor Amy Sinden’s Critique of the “Cost-Benefit State”
Cost-benefit analysis is the most preferable form of analysis, and it should continue to be employed for important regulatory decisions.
Supreme Court Remains Skeptical of the “Cost-Benefit State”
Recent Court decisions have not created a presumption in favor of formal cost-benefit analysis.
Cost-Benefit Analysis and Social Welfare Functions
Cost-benefit analysis has become a routinized part of policymaking. Probing what justifies this methodology helps us to see how it might be improved.