Using UNCLOS to Combat Climate Change
Scholars discuss the potential to regulate climate change with the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Regulating Aviation Safety
Scholars discuss the landscape of civil aviation regulations and air traffic safety.
The Evolving Role of Title IX in Women’s Sports
Scholars explore the impact of Title IX and the importance of fairness and inclusion in women’s sports.
Shoring Up The Critical Mineral Supply
Scholars discuss the critical mineral supply chain and the renewable energy transition
International Solutions to Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence
Scholars propose regulatory solutions for preventing new forms of gender-based violence.
Top Saturday Seminars of 2024
The Regulatory Review highlights its most popular Saturday Seminars of 2024.
Facial Recognition Technologies
Scholars examine the evolving regulatory landscape of facial recognition technology.
Transforming Corporate Sustainability Into Hard Law
Scholars and policymakers evaluate the impact of the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.
Regulating Risk in a Warming Arctic
Scholars discuss the challenges of international regulation in a changing Arctic.
Ethical Considerations for FDA Accelerated Approval
Scholars debate ways to improve FDA’s accelerated approval mechanism.
Navigating Global Trade in the 21st Century
Scholars propose WTO reforms to address growing U.S.—China economic tensions.