
Addressing the Dangers of Forever Chemicals

Addressing the Dangers of Forever Chemicals

Experts discuss regulatory options for PFAS chemical contamination control.

Paid Family Leave Is No Child’s Play

Paid Family Leave Is No Child’s Play

Experts examine the benefits and complexities of a paid family leave mandate in the United States.

Fixing Fraud at For-Profit Colleges

Fixing Fraud at For-Profit Colleges

Scholars advocate enhancing regulations to decrease fraudulent practices used by for-profit schools.

Regulating Domestic Drone Use

Regulating Domestic Drone Use

Regulators struggle to balance privacy, security, safety, and innovation in drone regulations.

The Culture of Antibiotics Regulation

The Culture of Antibiotics Regulation

Scholars discuss the challenges of promoting antibiotic development and preserving existing drugs.

Waging War Against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Waging War Against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Experts recommend ways to foster workplaces free of sexual harassment.

Regulating Methane Emissions

Regulating Methane Emissions

Scholars discuss regulating methane emissions released by industry activity.

Regulating Cyber Charter Schools

Regulating Cyber Charter Schools

Experts examine the need for regulation of cyber charter schools.

Protecting Student Data Privacy in the Digital Age

Protecting Student Data Privacy in the Digital Age

Experts recommend policies to enhance student data privacy in education technology platforms.

Countering Bias in Algorithmic Hiring Tools

Countering Bias in Algorithmic Hiring Tools

Regulators struggle to counter bias in hiring because algorithms reproduce existing inequalities.

Experimenting with Medicaid

Experimenting with Medicaid

Scholars explore how Section 1115 waivers can expand or reduce health coverage.

Combating Counterfeit Goods in the Age of E-Commerce

Combating Counterfeit Goods in the Age of E-Commerce

Experts explore regulatory approaches to detect and decrease the online sale of counterfeit goods.