Universal Basic Income After COVID-19
Debate over basic income programs reignites amid the COVID-19 crisis.
Recent Developments in Artificial Intelligence Law and Policy
A House bill on a national artificial intelligence initiative joins a wave of related AI developments.
Voting Amid a Pandemic
As COVID-19 persists, governments must decide whether, when, where, and how to hold elections.
Unemployment and COVID-19
As the coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S. economy, over ten million Americans filed for unemployment insurance.
A Power of Monumental Proportions
Presidents can create national monuments, but a debate rages over whether they can modify them.
Before the Bedside Manner
Health care licensing regulators grapple with innovation, safety, and expertise when credentialing providers.
A Champagne by Any Other Name
EU quality schemes protect agricultural products tied to certain areas against food fraud.
Can the U.S. Outpace Disease Outbreaks?
In the United States, disease outbreaks challenge emergency preparedness.
Is Most of the Federal Government Unconstitutional?
The academic debate over the history and the future of the nondelegation doctrine is far from over.
State-Level Marijuana Regulation
As states legalize marijuana, regulators must determine how to oversee its use.