
Regulating Facial Recognition

Regulating Facial Recognition

Scholar argues that public attitudes about facial recognition tools should inform governmental use of the technology.

Modern Romance Hinges on Dating App Self-Regulation

Modern Romance Hinges on Dating App Self-Regulation

Scholar proposes that the dating app industry adopt a self-regulatory model to promote user safety.

Farming for Renewable Energy

Farming for Renewable Energy

Scholars call for the development of solar energy on agricultural land.

The Dark Side of EURODAC

The Dark Side of EURODAC

Scholar warns that the European Union’s biometric data collection of asylum seekers criminalizes immigration.

Small-Scale Solutions to the Large-Scale Drug Crisis

Small-Scale Solutions to the Large-Scale Drug Crisis

Expert advocates a variety of policies that local governments can take to combat increasing fatalities from drug overdoses.

Private Enforcement of Corporate Climate Pledges

Private Enforcement of Corporate Climate Pledges

Scholars propose a new means of holding corporations accountable for emissions reduction pledges.

Designing the New Digital Dollar

Designing the New Digital Dollar

Scholar evaluates ways to structure and regulate retail CBDCs to promote consumer protection.

Supplementing Dietary Supplement Regulation

Supplementing Dietary Supplement Regulation

Experts recommend measures to improve the regulation of dietary supplements.

The Doomed Quest for Individual Privacy

The Doomed Quest for Individual Privacy

Scholar argues that relying primarily on rights to protect privacy will fail to empower individuals or counter societal harms.

Decrypting Deception in the NFT Market

Decrypting Deception in the NFT Market

Scholars argue for regulatory intervention to protect consumers from NFT minting companies’ deceptive practices.

Business Intimidation in the Rulemaking Process

Business Intimidation in the Rulemaking Process

Scholars reveal how businesses lobbying can intimidate agencies and influence rulemaking.

Patching Up Medical Device Cybersecurity Regulation

Patching Up Medical Device Cybersecurity Regulation

Researchers explore the optimal cost-benefit considerations of medical device cybersecurity risks.