
The Challenges of Regulating Brain-Machine Interfaces

The Challenges of Regulating Brain-Machine Interfaces

Scholar highlights the fragmented regulatory environment governing advanced neurological technology.

Working Together to Solve the Extinction Crisis

Working Together to Solve the Extinction Crisis

Experts encourage federal, private, and state collaboration to create tailored conservation rules.

Freedom From Compelled Pregnancy and Childbirth

Freedom From Compelled Pregnancy and Childbirth

Scholar argues that the First Amendment guarantees the right to abortion.

Who Pays a Premium for Natural Disasters?

Who Pays a Premium for Natural Disasters?

Scholars question the sustainability of homeowner insurance regulation in the face of climate change.

Marketing Formerly Dangerous Drugs

Marketing Formerly Dangerous Drugs

Two scholars find that the removal of FDA health warnings prompts an increase in drug marketing.

Refocusing Deportation Law

Refocusing Deportation Law

Scholar argues that prioritizing noncitizens convicted of crimes for deportation is unjustified.

Improving Regulatory Prediction

Improving Regulatory Prediction

Scholars discuss how policymakers can help businesses predict future government action.

Limiting the Power of Police in Schools

Limiting the Power of Police in Schools

A legal scholar advocates the removal—rather than the increased regulation—of police forces from schools.

Auditor Highlights Trump Administration’s Deregulatory Failure

Auditor Highlights Trump Administration’s Deregulatory Failure

A Government Accountability Office report finds that deregulatory executive orders had limited effects.

Targeting Families to Regulate Migration

Targeting Families to Regulate Migration

Scholars argue the United States continues to target families as part of its immigration enforcement.

The ADA’s Power to Reduce Overdose Deaths in Prison

The ADA’s Power to Reduce Overdose Deaths in Prison

Scholars argue that the ADA’s protections could prevent overdose deaths for people in prison.

Administrative Barriers to Decarceration

Administrative Barriers to Decarceration

Scholars discuss how administrative failures block incarcerated people from accessing relief.