China’s Hukou System and the Urban-Rural Divide
Economists show that the Chinese household registration system restricts economic mobility for rural migrants.
Zoning Changes to Create Affordable Housing
Scholars argue for “upzoning” to build more multi-family homes on land near transit stations.
Protecting Adjudicators From Political Threats
Scholars argue that federal administrative law judges need more insulation from political pressures.
The Wild West of Fertility Clinics
Legal experts argue that the fertility industry is largely unregulated and poses risks to patients.
Regulating Tribal Waters Without Attacking Tribal Sovereignty
Scholar argues that the Clean Water Act can protect water resources and tribal jurisdiction.
Antitrust Enforcement of Startup Acquisitions
Scholars urge antitrust enforcement against technology firms that acquire startups.
Regulatory Sandboxes Slowed the Spread of COVID-19
Scholar claims that regulatory sandboxes such as emergency use authorizations boost innovation, but at a cost.
Improving Protections for Native Religious Sites and Rights
Scholars argue religious liberty laws should stop the federal government from destroying Native sacred sites.
Should Regulatory Violations Ever Be Criminal Offenses?
Scholar argues that delegation of criminal authority is less dangerous to the public than critics claim.
Why Historic Landmarks Need Protection from Climate Change
Scholar argues that historic landmark preservation law must address the impact of climate change.
Lost in Translation in Immigration Detention
Scholars analyze linguistic and cultural barriers asylum-seekers face in the credible fear interview process.