Regulating Workplace Heat Exposure
Scholar argues that OSHA has the authority to regulate occupational heat exposure.
Navigating the Challenges of Publicizing Social Media Data
Scholars argue that data-sharing lessons from clinical trials can apply to social media.
Using Disability Justice to Reimagine Our Immigration System
Scholars propose a path forward to address ableism in the modern immigration system.
Balancing Conflicting Sustainable Development Goals
Scholars study the tradeoffs of sustainable wastewater management and avian biodiversity.
An Intersectional Approach to Regulating Women’s Health
Scholar calls for regulators to correct the dangers of inadequate cosmetics regulations for women of color.
Holding “Green Gatekeepers” Accountable
Scholars urge policymakers to regulate green gatekeepers to reduce greenwashing.
The Flaws in Jarkesy and Why Certain Civil Penalties May Survive
Scholar argues that civil penalties under environmental laws may survive Seventh Amendment challenges.
Protecting the Reproductive Autonomy of Disabled People
Scholar proposes regulatory solutions to protect disabled individuals’ reproductive autonomy.
Digital Health Technologies for an Aging Population
Scholars examine the challenges of using digital health technologies to care for cognitively impaired adults.
Qualified Immunity as Gun Control
Scholars argue that qualified immunity could shield officers who confiscate guns from dangerous individuals from liability.
A Green Wash-Out
A scholar analyzes the differences between the American and EU approaches to regulating greenwashing.
Reconsidering Online Platforms’ Liability
To protect users’ free speech and privacy rights, scholar calls for limiting online platforms’ legal shield.