
Does the Sharing Economy Share Too Much?

Does the Sharing Economy Share Too Much?

Scholar recommends consumer protection laws to combat misuse of data in the sharing economy.

The Administrative State Is Neglecting Regulatory Benefits

The Administrative State Is Neglecting Regulatory Benefits

Scholar argues for regulatory reforms grounded in an intense focus on net benefits.

Using Subjective Evidence in FDA Review

Using Subjective Evidence in FDA Review

Scholars call for greater transparency in how FDA uses subjective evidence in treatments for brain injuries.

Megaregulation on the Global Stage

Megaregulation on the Global Stage

Scholars argue that the Trans-Pacific Partnership represents a new form of international ordering and regulatory governance.

Regulating Complaints in Human Subjects Research

Regulating Complaints in Human Subjects Research

Scholar examines the institutional review board process for resolving disputes in human subjects research.

Establishing Better Fisheries Regulation

Establishing Better Fisheries Regulation

Scholars argue for reforms to Canada’s aquaculture regulatory system.

India’s Aadhaar Needs Checks and Balances

India’s Aadhaar Needs Checks and Balances

Scholars call for changing the legal framework of India’s national identification registry.

Are Biofuels Doing More Harm Than Good?

Are Biofuels Doing More Harm Than Good?

Scholar argues that greater regulation of biofuels is needed to promote environmental justice.

Can Regulating Surrogacy Prevent Statelessness?

Can Regulating Surrogacy Prevent Statelessness?

Scholar proposes regulatory solution to ensure that children born from surrogate mothers have clearly established citizenship.

Procuring the Algorithmic State With Better Policy Analysis

Procuring the Algorithmic State With Better Policy Analysis

Scholars assert that government agencies need a policymaking mindset when purchasing machine learning technology.

Regulating Backyard Breeders

Regulating Backyard Breeders

Scholar favors ending unregulated small-volume dog breeding.

Tech Companies Need Their Social Licenses

Tech Companies Need Their Social Licenses

Social license and the bundling of laws and resources can constrain tech companies from aggressive maneuvering.