
Protecting Your Retirement from Data Thieves

Protecting Your Retirement from Data Thieves

Scholar offers a proactive approach to regulating ERISA fiduciary responsibilities.

Are Subprime Auto Loans Driving the Next Financial Crisis?

Are Subprime Auto Loans Driving the Next Financial Crisis?

Commentator argues that failure to regulate risky lending could lead to mass defaults.

Inequalities in Natural Disaster Regulation

Inequalities in Natural Disaster Regulation

Certain communities may face disproportionate harms in the wake of natural disasters.

Standing Up to Climate Change

Standing Up to Climate Change

The judicial system may need to adapt to allow climate change cases to be heard in court.

The Problem with Regulating Combination Products

The Problem with Regulating Combination Products

Unlike new drugs and devices, combination products may fall through the regulatory cracks.

Financial Fair Play Regulations’ Unintended Effects

Financial Fair Play Regulations’ Unintended Effects

European soccer authority’s economic regulations create unintended losses for clubs.

Applying Judge-Made Law to Insider Trading

Applying Judge-Made Law to Insider Trading

Scholar argues that judges, rather than the legislature, should continue to regulate insider trading.

Will Steel Tariffs Mark the Demise of the WTO?

Will Steel Tariffs Mark the Demise of the WTO?

Scholar argues that Trump’s steel tariffs and the responses from other countries endanger the free trade system.

The Trump Administration Takes Aim at Migratory Birds

The Trump Administration Takes Aim at Migratory Birds

Attorneys argue that Department of Interior enforcement practices threaten migratory birds.

Examining the Past and Future of Copyright Regulation

Examining the Past and Future of Copyright Regulation

Scholar discusses how the Copyright Office could exercise broader rulemaking power.

Keeping Candy Safe

Keeping Candy Safe

Scholar argues that FDA can, and should, regulate marijuana edibles.

Empirical Evidence in the Administration of Family Law

Empirical Evidence in the Administration of Family Law

Scholar proposes framework for the use of empirical evidence in child welfare policies.