
The Future of Plant-Based Meats

The Future of Plant-Based Meats

Scholar recommends that regulators change food label laws to increase consumers’ access to plant-based meats.

Tribes Face Unique Barriers to Entering the Cannabis Industry

Tribes Face Unique Barriers to Entering the Cannabis Industry

Scholar argues that licensing, financing, and banking laws prevent tribes from entering the booming cannabis industry.

Reviving Workers’ Bargaining Power Amidst Evolving Tech

Reviving Workers’ Bargaining Power Amidst Evolving Tech

Scholar proposes a new regulatory model to strengthen workers’ bargaining powers.

The Good-Faith Assumption Online

The Good-Faith Assumption Online

Scholar argues that online platforms should foster positive user experiences through self-regulation.

Kim Kardashian Prompts Major Questions for the SEC

Kim Kardashian Prompts Major Questions for the SEC

Scholar argues the SEC violated the major questions doctrine by suing celebrities who endorsed cryptocurrency companies.

Are Water Bills Leaving Renters Out to Dry?

Are Water Bills Leaving Renters Out to Dry?

Scholar proposes ways to combat inequities in water access through affordability programs.

A Regulated Plea Deal or No Deal

A Regulated Plea Deal or No Deal

Scholar argues that plea bargaining in the United States needs stronger regulations to save the criminal justice system.

Reforming Occupational Enforcement

Reforming Occupational Enforcement

Scholar proposes a method of enforcing American worker-protection laws and curbing employer retaliation.

Addressing Corporate Governance Failures in Fintech

Addressing Corporate Governance Failures in Fintech

Lawyer explores corporate governance issues in financial technology firms and proposes reforms.

Strengthening Democracy Through Tax Policy

Strengthening Democracy Through Tax Policy

Scholar proposes a set of democracy-centered criteria for evaluating tax regulations.

Why Metaphors Matter in AI Law and Policy

Why Metaphors Matter in AI Law and Policy

Scholar warns that figures of speech play an outsized role in shaping artificial intelligence regulation.

Regulating the Great Indoors

Regulating the Great Indoors

Scholar argues that environmental law and policy should expand its scope to inside areas.