Can Increased Trucker Salaries Lead to Safer Roadways?
Scholars argue that higher truck driver wages promote driver compliance with safety regulations.
Against Regulatory Gaslighting
Scholar critiques the movement to have regulators adopt business management strategies.
Regulating Online Food Delivery Platforms
Scholars study the impact of commission fee caps on online food delivery platforms.
The Case for Stronger Self-Regulation by Lawyers
Scholars argue that lawyers must do more to discipline their own peers.
Assessing Financial Risk Amid Climate Risk
Scholars urge banks and regulators to adapt financial risk models to respond to climate change.
Optimizing Well-Being through Public Spending
Scholars suggest that the revised Circular A-94 will help agencies focus on welfare over efficiency in benefit-cost analysis.
Disparities in Debt Relief
Scholar suggests reforms to make debt discharge more equitable under U.S. bankruptcy law.
Advocacy, Inc.
Scholar warns that corporate social activism might erode democratic institutions, despite possible benefits.
“Zoning” In on Affordable Housing and Climate Change
Scholars argue that relaxing zoning laws may not have the effect that policymakers intend.
Decoding Cryptocurrency Regulation
Scholars present a framework for digital asset regulation to prevent fraudulent and deceptive practices.
Reforming Labor Law to Protect U.S. Workers
Scholars argue that the best way to improve labor law is to change union election rules.
Reconnecting Regulators to the Regulated
Scholar proposes a new U.S. regulatory system that would be more accountable to the public.