Pet Food Regulations May Be More Bark Than Bite
Regulators strive to keep our animal companions’ food safe, but gaps remain.
Regulating the Sports of the Future
Scholars discuss how the rise of eSports—playing video games for an audience—poses new regulatory challenges.
Does Cosmetics Regulation Need a Makeover?
Scholars reflect on the need for stronger regulatory oversight of cosmetics in the United States.
Regulating Organ Transplants and Donation
Experts explore how to improve organ transplantation practices in the United States.
The Regulation of Stolen Cultural Artifacts
Experts address weaknesses and inconsistencies in the U.S. regulation of looted cultural artifacts.
Maintaining the Regulatory Big Pitcher
Scholars discuss beer regulations and the regulatory challenges facing the industry.
Facing Bias in Facial Recognition Technology
Experts advocate robust regulation of facial recognition technology to reduce discriminatory outcomes.
Vaccine Mandates in the Time of COVID-19
Experts examine the legality and efficacy of vaccine mandates.
Time to Rescue the Rescue Dog Industry?
Rescue dog groups may be exacerbating the very problem they claim to address.
Inside Insider Trading
Scholars propose regulatory and legislative changes to increase oversight of insider trading.
Paying College Athletes
Regulatory reforms may provide student athletes with financial opportunities beyond scholarships.
Privacy Problems in the Genetic Testing Industry
Experts debate oversight of direct-to-consumer genetic tests and access to genetic information.