Cary Coglianese

Cary Coglianese is the Edward B. Shils Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania, where he currently serves as the director of the Penn Program on Regulation and the faculty advisor to The Regulatory Review (formerly RegBlog). He specializes in the study of regulation and regulatory processes.

Open Government and Its Impact

Open Government and Its Impact

Defining open government and conceptualizing its success are key first steps in developing a transparency research agenda.

Let’s Review the Rules

Let’s Review the Rules

Agencies can narrow the political gap over regulation by retrospectively measuring the actual impact of their regulations.

New Executive Order Promotes Public Participation

New Executive Order Promotes Public Participation

Obama’s recent order makes promising strides toward improving participation in agency rulemaking.

E-Government and Inequality in Public Participation

E-Government and Inequality in Public Participation

The Internet has not made the government more democratic, at least not yet.

Elena Kagan and the Regulatory State

Elena Kagan and the Regulatory State

Elena Kagan’s appointment underscores an important shift in American law toward legislation and regulatory law.

Open Government Plans Revealed

Open Government Plans Revealed

Federal agencies take steps to increase government transparency.

Upgrades to Announced

Upgrades to Announced

Agency’s updates aim to make government transparency website easier to use.

White House Disputes Washington Post Story on Transparency

White House Disputes Washington Post Story on Transparency

The Obama Administration faces criticism, and lawsuits, after pledges to foster an “open government.”

Transparency and Health Care Reform

Transparency and Health Care Reform

President Obama faces major tradeoff in achieving promised health reform.