Cary Coglianese

Cary Coglianese is the Edward B. Shils Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania, where he currently serves as the director of the Penn Program on Regulation and the faculty advisor to The Regulatory Review (formerly RegBlog). He specializes in the study of regulation and regulatory processes.

Regulatory Excellence as “People Excellence”

Regulatory Excellence as “People Excellence”

Regulators must master the human side of regulation to achieve excellence.

The Regulatory Excellence Molecule

The Regulatory Excellence Molecule

Professor Cary Coglianese identifies the key elements of regulatory excellence.

What Volkswagen Reveals about the Limits of Performance-Based Regulation

What Volkswagen Reveals about the Limits of Performance-Based Regulation

Problems with automaker’s diesel emissions reveal fundamental caution over popular approach to regulation.

Rating Regulatory Excellence

Rating Regulatory Excellence

Leader of Best-in-Class Regulator Initiative explains how rating systems can help regulators measure performance.

An Easier Way to Untangle Regulatory Knots

An Easier Way to Untangle Regulatory Knots

Congress could help agencies reduce regulatory redundancies by passing a single law.

A New Year of Checks and Balances

A New Year of Checks and Balances

The new year will see renewed and profound controversy between the branches of the federal government.

Satisfaction Is Not the Same as Policy Success

Satisfaction Is Not the Same as Policy Success

Making decisions that satisfy those involved in regulatory policy-making does not guarantee successful outcomes.

Improving Regulatory Agenda-Setting

Improving Regulatory Agenda-Setting

Penn Program on Regulation workshop focuses on key factors shaping regulatory agendas.

Rethinking the Value of Voluntary Environmental Programs

Rethinking the Value of Voluntary Environmental Programs

Voluntary programs may not reduce businesses’ impact on the environment.

Politics, Law, and Presidential Power

Politics, Law, and Presidential Power

Disputes about the limits of executive power cannot be productively resolved by appeals to the Constitution.

It’s Time to Make Rulemaking Really Transparent on Agency Websites

It’s Time to Make Rulemaking Really Transparent on Agency Websites

Regulatory agencies should do more to make information about proposed rules more accessible.

Are Voluntary Environmental Programs the Answer?

Are Voluntary Environmental Programs the Answer?

New study of EPA’s “flagship” performance program draws into question the value of voluntary efforts.