Informing the Debate over Regulation’s Impact on Jobs
Debate over regulation’s effects on employment would benefit from better policy analysis.
Robert A. Kagan: Man of Style
Kagan’s insight on legal “styles” paves the way for future regulatory studies and policymaking efforts.
Moving Toward the Evaluation State
By taking three feasible steps, the administration could help build a regulatory culture more supportive of ex post evaluation.
RegBlog’s Next Chapter
With the launch of a new, innovative website, continues to pursue unconventional ambitions.
Institutionalizing Regulatory Lookback
Obama’s next OIRA Administrator should act to embed retrospective evaluation into the regulatory process.
What are Regulation’s Effects on Employment?
New Wharton Public Policy Initiative issue brief by Professor Coglianese reviews the evidence.
Improving Drug Safety Regulation after the Meningitis Outbreak
Congress should provide FDA with clearer authority and increased resources.
The Administrative President
In his second term, President Obama will seek even more policy change by influencing federal administrative agencies.
The Regulatory Blame Game
Criticism of FDA over meningitis outbreak repeats a familiar pattern of regulatory blame.
When is a Federal Agency not a Federal Agency?
Credit union overseer is not subject to normal government rules when acting as liquidator.
Has the U.S. Regulatory System Broken Down?
A new book both challenges and informs the debate over government regulation.
Regulation’s Four Core Components
A clear framework to cut through semantics about different types of regulations.