Julia Englebert

Ninth Circuit to Consider “Shadow” Theory of Insider Trading

Ninth Circuit to Consider “Shadow” Theory of Insider Trading

A pending case penalizes the use of insider information about one company to trade another company’s stock.

Off-Label Drug Use Liability

Off-Label Drug Use Liability

Scholar argues that FDA approval should not save drug makers from state-law claims arising from off-label use.

Floating Crime Laboratories

Floating Crime Laboratories

Internationally, regulators grapple with illegal fishing’s role in ecological degradation, drug trafficking, and forced labor.

The Boundaries of Internet Speech

The Boundaries of Internet Speech

Scholars debate current challenges in regulating offensive and harmful speech on the internet.

The Future of Technology in Health Care

The Future of Technology in Health Care

Scholars discuss the need for federal regulations to combat risks associated with technology in health care.

Gambling on Legal Verdicts

Gambling on Legal Verdicts

Scholars propose regulatory safeguards for the burgeoning third-party litigation finance industry.

Advocacy, Inc.

Advocacy, Inc.

Scholar warns that corporate social activism might erode democratic institutions, despite possible benefits.

The Myth of Operation Choke Point

The Myth of Operation Choke Point

Scholar corrects the narrative that spawned laws prohibiting banks from cutting ties with the gun industry.

International Approaches to Surrogacy Regulation

International Approaches to Surrogacy Regulation

Scholars discuss the interests and priorities motivating global surrogacy regulations.

How Lawyers Hinder Climate-Related Risk Disclosure

How Lawyers Hinder Climate-Related Risk Disclosure

Scholars advocate greater accountability for lawyers who guide what public firms share with investors.

The Black Supermarket

The Black Supermarket

Regulators struggle to stem the tide of smuggled drugs, meats, guns, cigarettes, animals, and other goods.

The Future of the European Union’s Migration and Asylum System

The Future of the European Union’s Migration and Asylum System

EU member states seek to unify their response to increased asylum seeker arrivals.