The Energy Costs of Cryptocurrency
Scholar proposes legal solutions to regulate cryptocurrency mining’s energy consumption in a climate-friendly way.
Reliable and Climate-Friendly Electricity Markets
Scholar argues that outsourcing electricity market design hinders government climate and reliability efforts.
Harnessing Clean Energy for Grid Reliability
Shelley Welton discusses how a comprehensive regulatory strategy for electric grid reliability can facilitate a transition to clean energy.
Revisiting EPA’s Forever Chemical Strategy
EPA has made significant progress on PFAS regulation over the past three years, but more work remains.
Rethinking Administrative Law for the Environment
Scholar argues that a recalibration of administrative law is necessary to respect congressional intent in environmental statutes.
The Landscape of Voting Rights
Joshua Sellers offers insight on the current state of U.S. election law and voting rights on the eve of the U.S. presidential election.
Breaking the Climate Disaster Cycle
Scholar proposes new strategies for disaster law that focus on proactivity.
The Court’s Environmental Evolution
Richard Lazarus discusses the implications of a shift in the Supreme Court’s attitude toward environmental regulations.