The Regulatory Review

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Obama announces he would veto a Keystone XL pipeline bill, the Secretary of the Interior speaks against local fracking bans, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

The EPA establishes a national standard for coal waste disposal, twenty states and DC raise their minimum wage, and more…

Regulatory News: Year in Review

Regulatory News: Year in Review

The Regulatory Review celebrates the end of 2014 by featuring our top news posts from the past year.

Regulatory Analysis: Year in Review

Regulatory Analysis: Year in Review

The Regulatory Review celebrates 2014 by featuring our top analysis posts from the past year.

Regulatory Opinion: Year in Review

Regulatory Opinion: Year in Review

The Regulatory Review celebrates 2014 by featuring our top opinion essays from the past year.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The FDA announces a change to its ban on blood donations from gay men, the Justice Department extends is application of Title VII protections, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Obama announces the restoration of diplomatic relations with Cuba, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals rejects a law suit relating to air quality standards, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

Congress unveils a new spending bill, agency access is promoted on a new website, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

The FDA issues new drug labeling requirements, an FCC commissioner writes a letter to Netflix regarding net neutrality, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Obama announces new ozone emissions standards, the FDA establishes menu-labeling rules for chain restaurants, and more…

The Turkey and Its Regulation

The Turkey and Its Regulation

Regulation is all around us – even at Thanksgiving dinner.

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Obama announces executive action on immigration reform, NHTSA advocates a nationwide airbag recall, and more…