Week in Review
President Trump issues an order to begin dismantling the Department of Education, federal courts temporarily block several Trump Administration actions, and more…
Passing Liability to States of Incorporation
Scholar suggests that states be held liable for corporations’ unpaid debts to protect tort victims.
Week in Review
President Trump mandates health care price transparency, the Supreme Court declines to hear abortion protest cases, and more…
Week in Review
President Donald J. Trump signs an executive order requiring regulatory rollbacks, a federal judge blocks President Trump’s buyout of federal employees, and more…
Keeping an Eye on Compliance Gatekeepers
Scholars propose increased accountability for external corporate compliance advisors.
Week in Review
The Supreme Court agreed to hear a constitutional challenge concerning health insurance, President Biden issues an order establishing an AI infrastructure framework, and more…
Centering Children in Public Health Regulation
Scholar proposes an increased focus on children’s health in food, drug, and cosmetic regulation.
Week in Review
The Senate passes the Social Security Fairness Act, the Third Circuit reaffirms gun ownership rights for non-violent felons, and more…
Week in Review
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit sides with Texas on border fencing, the CFPB proposes new rules to restrict data brokers, and more…
Week in Review
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit overturns NEPA regulations, the National Labor Relations Board interprets federal union law as prohibiting captive-audience meetings, and more…
Week in Review
The U.S. Supreme Court declines to review CPSC’s for-cause removal restrictions, the Second Circuit upholds a New York gun control statute, and more…
Week in Review
California Governor Newsom vetoes a landmark AI bill, the NCUA expands career opportunities for individuals with criminal records, and more…