Is Government Prone to Fail?
Peter H. Schuck’s recent book analyzes the effectiveness of federal domestic policies in the United States.
Regulatory Year in Review: 2015
The Regulatory Review celebrates the year 2015’s developments in regulatory news, analysis, and opinion.
Will the Paris Agreement Make a Difference?
The Regulatory Review features leading experts’ views on the success of the Paris Agreement.
A Framework for Regulatory Excellence
The Regulatory Review highlights the release of the PPR Best-in-Class Regulator Initiative’s final report.
Good Government Requires Good People
In annual address at Penn Law, ACUS Chairman Paul Verkuil calls for strengthening bureaucrats’ capacities.
The Search for Regulatory Excellence
The Penn Program on Regulation’s Best-in-Class Regulator Initiative examines how to define and measure regulatory excellence.
Regulatory Writing Competition Winners
The Regulatory Review features the winners of Penn Law administrative essay writing competition.
The Supreme Court’s Regulatory Term
The Regulatory Review highlights the regulatory decisions from the Supreme Court’s past term.
Is Mandatory Disclosure Helping Consumers?
The Regulatory Review features commentators on a recent book that questions whether mandatory disclosure is really working.
The Debate Over “Sue-and-Settle” Legislation
The Regulatory Review post sparks further debate over recent bill to curb negotiated agreements about rulemaking.
High Court Hears Debate Over Costs and Benefits of Regulating Air Pollution
The Regulatory Review features commentaries on this term’s oral arguments in Michigan v. EPA.
The Struggle Over the Constitution in the Workplace
The Regulatory Review features commentators on a new book that analyzes the campaign to give constitutional rights to workers.