Lessons From History Can Help Restore Stability
History suggests that public accountability and institutional checks can restore stability in government.
Government’s Influence on American Economic Development
Scholars respond to a review of their work and expand on the book’s lessons for the future.
“Big” Government Protects American Values in a Big Economy
Their definitions and applications have evolved, but core American values have kept government and markets in dynamic equilibrium.
How Government and Markets Built America Together
Government has always been involved in the evolution of America—and it will likely stay that way.
Marginalized Groups and the Multiple Languages of Regulatory Decision-Making
Agencies must incorporate insights from marginalized communities to empower them.
To Democratize Regulation, Reform Regulatory Analysis
Regulators must incorporate public values into their cost-benefit analyses.
A Failure of Administrative Law in OSHA During the Pandemic
The hyper-deference courts provide to agencies has failed to protect workers from OSHA inaction amid COVID-19.
Environmental Justice Is Worth Fighting For
Despite challenges posed by climate change, recent policymaking leaves room for optimism.
Regulating the Green Economy
Environmentalists and human-needs advocates must come together to drive the green economy movement.
A Different Approach to Teaching Regulatory Law and Policy
Addressing how policy and law influence regulation is a critical—and overlooked—part of regulatory curriculum.
Regulation and Democracy
How the resurgence of progressivism will produce improved regulatory outcomes.