Sri Medicherla

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Biden orders strengthened AI regulation, the FAA releases memes to promote safe passenger behavior, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

The CFPB issued guidance to prevent banks from charging junk fees, California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill outlawing caste-based discrimination, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

Britain enacts sweeping Online Safety Bill, a federal judge halts a California internet privacy law, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

EPA revises key Clean Water Act definitions, HHS recommends the reclassification of marijuana as less dangerous, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Biden orders federal ban on certain U.S. tech investments in China, FDA approves first oral treatment for postpartum depression, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

Federal agencies seek comments on draft merger guidelines, OIRA encourages agencies to increase public participation in the regulatory process, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

The Supreme Court invalidates race-based college admissions programs, it affirms state courts’ oversight of electoral maps, and more…

Week in Review

Week in Review

The Supreme Court strikes down voting maps in Alabama, Oklahoma approves the nation’s first religious charter school, and more…