The Pitfalls of Consistent Cost-Benefit Analyses
A one-size-fits-all approach to cost-benefit analysis won’t necessarily ensure better policy.
A Recipe for Improving Regulatory Analysis
President Trump’s first year in office prompts four steps for reform.
How the Clean Power Plan’s Repeal Undermines Regulatory Analysis
The Trump Administration’s purported economic justification weakens the credibility of cost-benefit analysis.
Voter Data Request Is Illegal, Not Just Controversial
The Trump Administration’s information request violates a longstanding federal law.
Will Congressional Review Act Repeals Change Agency Behavior?
The Trump Administration’s embrace of a seldom-used law may undermine future regulatory efforts.
Improving Benefit-Cost Analysis by Making It Simpler
Earlier and less burdensome regulatory impact analyses would lead to more transparent, better regulatory decisions.
Better Policy Analysis Makes for a Better World
Combining better analysis with more meaningful participation will improve policy decisions.
Report Shines Light on Regulatory Burdens on University Research
Recommendations in National Academy of Sciences report may lead to smarter regulation of research.
The Politics of Regulatory Reform
The politics of regulatory reform is much more about politics than it is about regulation.
Substance or Politics: What Dictates Obama’s Regulatory Agenda?
Both critics and defenders overstate true role of cost-benefit analysis in rulemaking
Improving How Agencies Collect Information
My recent ACUS report presents three conclusions to frame proposed improvements.
Appreciating the Politics Inside Benefit-Cost Analysis
Empirical research reveals stronger benefit-cost analysis during less political rulemakings.