EU Sports Regulation After Super League
Scholar argues that Super League may lead to misguided regulation of European football through antitrust law.
Applying Antitrust to Discriminatory State Monopolies
Scholars argue that antitrust law can be used to scrutinize state monopoly power and advance equality.
Anti-Wokeism and the Rise of Identitarian Regulation
Scholars examine a shift in conservative legal thought away from libertarian deregulation.
U.S. Transportation Department Investigates Frequent Flyer Programs
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg orders four major airlines to provide details on frequent flyer programs.
The Consequences of America’s Big Bet on Sports Gambling
Two research teams find that legalizing sports betting may negatively impact American consumers.
A Green Wash-Out
A scholar analyzes the differences between the American and EU approaches to regulating greenwashing.
Mandating Contract Comprehensibility
Scholar argues that standardized contracts need to be understandable to be enforceable.
The Antitrust Guarantee
The Guarantee Clause is an untapped means of protecting Americans from anti-republican corporate behavior.
Enhanced Regulatory Oversight in ESG Investing
Scholars debate the market impacts of ESG regulations.
Preventing Payola in the Music Industry
Scholars discuss the practice of payola in the music industry and reforms to promote fairness for artists.
The Markets Are Up, but Workers’ Power Is Down
Scholars recommend ways for regulators level the playing field by empowering workers.
Baseball’s Antitrust Exemption
Scholars argue that MLB’s antitrust exemption has decreased engagement with baseball for players and fans.