
Returning Morality to Small Dollar Lending

Returning Morality to Small Dollar Lending

Scholar argues that policymakers should reexamine usury laws and introduce public banking to combat payday lending.

Can Ethical Certification Prevent Food Fraud?

Can Ethical Certification Prevent Food Fraud?

Food certification organizations, if backed with criminal sanctions, can help deter food fraud.

Paid Family Leave Is No Child’s Play

Paid Family Leave Is No Child’s Play

Experts examine the benefits and complexities of a paid family leave mandate in the United States.

When Securities Enforcement Hurts the Securities Market

When Securities Enforcement Hurts the Securities Market

Scholar argues that traditional enforcement against digital assets will only reduce information for investors.

The Threat of Insider Giving

The Threat of Insider Giving

Scholars advocate greater regulation of manipulative stock donations.

Regulating Prison Labor

Regulating Prison Labor

Experts are debating whether current workplace protections adequately shield incarcerated workers.

Recentering Worker Welfare in the Breakup Debates

Recentering Worker Welfare in the Breakup Debates

Scholar shows how current antitrust remedies fail to consider effects on workers.

Protectionism and the Development of the U.S. Maritime Industry

Protectionism and the Development of the U.S. Maritime Industry

U.S. maritime protectionism fails policy and economic goals.

Waging War Against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Waging War Against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Experts recommend ways to foster workplaces free of sexual harassment.

Pet Food Regulations May Be More Bark Than Bite

Pet Food Regulations May Be More Bark Than Bite

Regulators strive to keep our animal companions’ food safe, but gaps remain.

Charting a Course Toward Offshore Aquaculture

Charting a Course Toward Offshore Aquaculture

A CRS report finds that offshore aquaculture can spur economic growth if permitting reform takes place.

A New Approach to FTC Antitrust Regulation

A New Approach to FTC Antitrust Regulation

Scholar proposes a no-collusion rule to limit tacit collusion.