AMG Aftershocks
The repercussions of a recent Supreme Court decision could affect future trade regulations.
Regulating Sustainability in Corporate Governance Standards
Experts discuss the future of sustainability in financial regulation.
Formaldehyde Lurks in Hair Products Despite FDA Warning
FDA warns consumers to protect themselves from a known carcinogen in hair smoothing products.
Regulating Drugs at a Discount
Scholars examine the effectiveness of the contentious 340B Drug Pricing Program.
Administrative Control and Consumer Exploitation in Standard Form Contracts
Agencies should scrutinize one-sided terms in standard form contracts to ensure consumer protection.
What If Your Pension Plan Participants Go Missing?
New guidance demonstrates how pension plans can keep better track of their participants.
Bringing Diversity to Californian Boardrooms
Two recent state laws seek to place more members of underrepresented groups on public company boards.
Promoting Justice in Credit Markets
Scholar recommends that regulators incorporate principles of distributive justice into credit markets.
How America Turns Competitors Into Colleagues
The collaboration between pharmaceutical giants puts antitrust law at risk.
The Role for Distributed Ledgers in Voluntary Carbon Markets
Distributed ledger technology can facilitate more efficient and reliable carbon credit markets.
Challenges in Regulating Digital Innovation
Regulators around the world struggle to promote fintech innovation while limiting financial risk.
DeFi, Disintermediation, and the Regulatory Path Ahead
As decentralized finance projects eliminate the need for financial intermediaries, regulators may need to fundamentally rethink their approach.