The Evolution of Delaware’s Corporate Oversight Doctrine
Recent court decisions have set the stage for greater board accountability for corporate regulatory noncompliance.
Celebrating The Regulatory Review’s Tenth Anniversary
To commemorate The Regulatory Review’s 10th anniversary, leading scholars and practitioners reflect on regulation’s past, present, and future.
Mergers That Monopolize Labor Should Not Pass Go
Scholars argue that courts could interpret the Clayton Act to prevent mergers that result in lowering wages.
Heuristics and Small Business Response to Regulation
Applying behavioral economics to the study of regulation could help improve attitudes among business owners.
Regulatory Solutions for Personalized Pricing
Scholars consider methods to regulate the practice of setting individualized prices based on personal data.
Consumers Win Assurance of Important Protection From Securities Fraud
The Supreme Court reaffirms lower courts’ ability to claw-back profits from violators of securities laws.
Is Corporate Criminal Punishment Just Another Cost of Doing Business?
Entity-level fines may not adequately deter corporate crime compared to other enforcement mechanisms.
It Is Time for the Fed to Stop Bank Shareholder Payouts
The Federal Reserve should order banks to preserve capital by retaining earnings and halting all shareholder payouts.
Businesses That Reopen Unsafely Should Be Subject to Liability
Conflicting signals from public officials about when and how to restart the economy following the COVID-19 shutdown hardly inspire confidence.
Unemployment and COVID-19
As the coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S. economy, over ten million Americans filed for unemployment insurance.
Evaluating Soda Taxes
As cities experiment with soda taxes, emerging scholarship reviews their impacts and efficacy.
A Proposed Rule to Secure the Digital Economy
A Department of Commerce proposal would establish broad authority to block threats to digital security.