
Financial Regulators Take Stock and Look Ahead

Financial Regulators Take Stock and Look Ahead

Wall Street Journal conference in New York brings together prominent regulators and industry insiders for wide-ranging discussions.

Evaluating Germany’s Success in Regulating High-Frequency Trading

Evaluating Germany’s Success in Regulating High-Frequency Trading

Scholar argues that ambitious German regulation on computer trades, although imperfect, is beneficial.

The Home-Sharing Industry Attempts to Fight Off Regulators

The Home-Sharing Industry Attempts to Fight Off Regulators

The outcome of a lawsuit filed by Airbnb may define the regulatory limits of the sharing economy.

GAO Calls on Government Leaders to Revisit Financial Regulatory Reform

GAO Calls on Government Leaders to Revisit Financial Regulatory Reform

Government Accountability Office issues report finding oversight system too fragmented and complex.

Regulations Could be Increasing Consumer Prices

Regulations Could be Increasing Consumer Prices

A recent study shows a correlation between regulation and consumer prices.

Reforming the Federal Reserve System

Reforming the Federal Reserve System

Penn scholar explains the role, structure, and possible changes to the Federal Reserve System.

Still Too Big to Fail?

Still Too Big to Fail?

President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve argues that banks still pose a threat of catastrophic failure.

Stricter Rules Bring Challenges but also Cash to Montana Day Care Centers

Stricter Rules Bring Challenges but also Cash to Montana Day Care Centers

State authorities revamp day care regulations to meet federal standards and remain eligible for funding.

Making Profits by Disrupting the Regulatory Status Quo

Making Profits by Disrupting the Regulatory Status Quo

Scholar explains the rise and expansion of startups that push the regulatory envelope.

Recalculating the True Value of Private Certifications

Recalculating the True Value of Private Certifications

Penn Law Regulation Fellow shares research on costs and compliance underlying transnational regulatory schemes.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Aims to Lend Borrowers a Helping Hand

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Aims to Lend Borrowers a Helping Hand

Agency proposes rule to stem cycle of loan payments generated by “payday” lending practices.

Self-Deception and Regulatory Compliance

Self-Deception and Regulatory Compliance

Firms vary considerably in how they interpret regulatory commands and signals, posing enforcement challenges.