Ensuring a Fair Day’s Pay
A new Philadelphia ordinance allows the city to take steps to stop wage theft.
Exploring Regulatory Capture’s Unanswered Questions
Rent-seeking and profit-seeking behavior provide valuable insights into the concept of regulatory capture.
Prosecuting Corporate Criminals
Prosecutions of individual corporate criminals can, in fact, be successful—and are critical for attaining justice.
(Not) Prosecuting Financial Crimes
Holding companies accountable for crimes is essential, yet more must be done to end “too big to jail” concerns.
Productivity, Inequality, and Economic Rents
Curbing excessive economic rents might bolster productivity and address rising inequality.
Can Securities Regulation Stymie Conflict in Africa?
Challenges loom concerning the implementation of a Dodd-Frank provision requiring companies to disclose source minerals from war-torn regions.
How Business-Based Standards Can Support Human Rights
When promulgating human rights rules for businesses, specific is better.
Stress Tests and the End of Bank Supervision
New federal authority surrounding stress tests means banking supervisors take a back seat to regulators.
Finding a Schedule that Works for Hourly Employees
New York bill would regulate the way some employers manage work schedules.
New Regulation Could Actually Reduce Access to Investment Advice
Study highlights the potential value of professional investment advice—and the cost of curbing access to it.
Do Entry Regulations Promote Income Inequality?
Think-tank study finds correlation between income disparity and regulations affecting new businesses.