
The Need for Federal Oversight of Tax Preparers

The Need for Federal Oversight of Tax Preparers

As court strikes down IRS tax preparer regulations, a scholar argues for a legislative fix.

The American Pizza Community Bites Back

The American Pizza Community Bites Back

Pizza restaurants break from restaurant lobby to challenge FDA’s menu labeling rule.

Will the Volcker Rule’s Complexity Be Its Undoing?

Will the Volcker Rule’s Complexity Be Its Undoing?

Regulators face unique challenges as mandatory compliance begins.

Simplicity Trumps Logical Coherence

Simplicity Trumps Logical Coherence

The Supreme Court upholds its concededly “incorrect” ban on post-expiration patent royalties.

Response to Disclosurites

Response to Disclosurites

The authors respond to RegBlog commentators and call for the end of “useless” disclosure requirements.

Mistaking the Symptom for the Disease

Mistaking the Symptom for the Disease

Disclosure is not a substitute for regulations that protect consumers.

Information Overload and Mandatory Securities Regulation Disclosure

Information Overload and Mandatory Securities Regulation Disclosure

Arming the public with the right information is good for securities markets, but information overload is not.

The Failed Reign of Mandated Disclosure

The Failed Reign of Mandated Disclosure

Recent book highlights flaws in mandatory information disclosure as consumer protection policy.

Financial Regulators Find Heightened Risks in Lending Behavior

Financial Regulators Find Heightened Risks in Lending Behavior

Rise in leveraged lending prompts concern among the top U.S. financial regulatory agencies.

Former Fed Chair Proposes Broad Changes to U.S. Financial Regulatory System

Former Fed Chair Proposes Broad Changes to U.S. Financial Regulatory System

Volcker Alliance releases report calling for new financial system oversight structure.

SEC Moves to Expand Executive Compensation Disclosure

SEC Moves to Expand Executive Compensation Disclosure

Proposed rule would require companies to make clearer disclosure of pay and performance information.

CFPB Considers New Payday Loan Requirements

CFPB Considers New Payday Loan Requirements

Consumer protection agency takes first steps to reform payday loan market.