Can We Finally Fix “Too Big to Fail”?
Recently passed House legislation would amend bankruptcy code for big banks.
The IMF’s Way Forward for Sovereign Restructuring
International Monetary Fund report suggests reform of sovereign debt rules.
Senate Report Finds Strong Wall Street Influence on Commodities Markets
Legislators urge the Fed to increase oversight of large banks.
The State of Inequality in America
Federal Reserve Chair’s speech lays factual foundation for policy deliberation.
Fed Ends Quantitative Easing
Central bank discontinues program of buying financial assets from commercial banks and returns focus to managing interest rates.
Treasury Agency Struggles to Change Paper Money
Recent GAO report exposes difficulties in accommodating paper money to meet the needs of the visually impaired.
A Perilous Path to Financial Stability
New GAO report shows continuing challenges of the Financial Stability Oversight Council.
Dodd-Frank’s Regulatory Morass
The costly implementation of the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act stems from the law’s political origins.
SEC Expands Disclosure Requirements for Asset-Backed Securities
New rule addresses valuation problems that may have contributed to financial crisis.
Corporate Inversions May Be on the Rise
New research claims benefits of inversions often outweigh costs.
Is There Hope for Expertise in Antitrust Law?
Sitting FTC Commissioner speaks at Penn Law on the limits of judicial and agency expertise.
A Floating Law Firm?
Canadian Bar Association report may rekindle debate over alternative ownership structures for U.S. law firms.