Fed May Increase Capital Holding Requirement for Large Banks
In testimony before Senate, Federal Reserve official foretells changes to banking rules.
Increasing Financial Regulatory Predictability through Optimizing Business Strategy
Regulatory change requires companies to implement systems to analyze regulation.
When a State Agency is Not a State Actor
The U.S. Supreme Court will decide when a state agency is immune from federal antitrust law.
Regulate the Sharing Economy Parent Companies, Not Individual Providers
Company-focused regulation is better for regulators, consumers, and companies themselves.
The Cost to Businesses from Anti-Corruption Enforcement
Agency actions are minor components of the financial consequences of FCPA enforcement.
Learning from Advocacy for Energy Efficient Building Codes
Innovative approaches to energy efficient buildings can inform how to make progress in other regulatory areas, even in tough times.
Firms in Sharing Economy Should be Regulated Under a Modified Framework
Regulating Uber and Airbnb like their mainstream predecessors could be good for the sharing economy.
The Enhanced Role of Economic Analysis in Securities Rulemaking
An SEC Commissioner and former Chief Economist explain the role of economic analysis in rulemaking.
Failure Should Spark Creativity, Not Caution, in Economic Development
A cautious approach to policy failure may impede the ultimate success of development programs.
Long-awaited Money Market Regulatory Reform Falls Short
The SEC’s new money market rule may actually increase the run risk for some funds.
Congress Considers Regulating Tax Preparers
After federal court blocks IRS rule, Democrats urge new legislation on tax preparation.