Regulators Place Spotlight on Shadow Insurance
Reports warn that spread of captive reinsurance companies could pose systemic market risk.
More Whistleblowers Help Regulators Detect Misconduct
Financial regulators in the U.S. and U.K. receive a growing number of alerts from whistleblowers.
Banking Regulation Based on Hypotheticals?
Legal scholar argues that bank stress tests should be abandoned or made more robust.
NLRB Proposes Rule to Speed Up Union Elections
To the ire of employers, proposal would allow employees to vote to unionize in less than half the current time.
Analyzing the Job Impacts of Regulation
Wharton School panel discussion assesses new book on how regulations affect employment.
Supreme Court to Hear FTC Challenge to Licensing Board
Dispute over teeth-whitening regulations may expand federal antitrust authority over states.
Changing Risk Culture is Hard
Culture and attitudes toward risk are built into the foundations of systemically important banks.
Former Commissioner Speaks About SEC’s Role in Rapidly Changing Market
Troy A. Paredes offers his views on recent regulatory developments at a Penn seminar.
The Battle over Transatlantic Financial Regulation
Improved diplomatic processes would help strengthen international economic cooperation.
A Better Way to Study the Effects of Regulation on Employment
New study proposes a better way to take employment effects into account in rulemaking.
The Unemployment Costs of Regulation
Traditional forms of analysis may underestimate unemployment costs, skewing cost-benefit analysis of regulations.
Analyzing Regulation’s Effect on Jobs
Lisa Robinson argues that recent high unemployment highlights the need to assess employment effects of regulation.