
Penn Conference Dissects the Impact of Regulation on Jobs

Penn Conference Dissects the Impact of Regulation on Jobs

Conference at Penn Law analyzes effects of regulation on employment and offers guidance for policymakers.

A New Chapter in Mortgage-Backed Securities Enforcement

A New Chapter in Mortgage-Backed Securities Enforcement

New York AG files novel lawsuit over Bear Stearns conduct.

Have Increased Regulations Made the U.S. Less Competitive?

Have Increased Regulations Made the U.S. Less Competitive?

Recent study finds correlation between increased regulatory burdens and decreased international competitiveness.

Consumers and Lenders May See Different Credit Scores

Consumers and Lenders May See Different Credit Scores

CFPB finds credit score discrepancies and recommends heightened consumer awareness.

Predicting the Cost of Financial Reform

Predicting the Cost of Financial Reform

IMF report contends that more stringent bank regulations will not harm the economy.

Failing at  Failure: An Institutional Analysis of Dodd-Frank’s Orderly Liquidation Authority

Failing at Failure: An Institutional Analysis of Dodd-Frank’s Orderly Liquidation Authority

OLA applies an ill-fitting model to financial distress resolution and produces troubling participatory effects.

Evaluating the PTO’s Proposed Fee Structure

Evaluating the PTO’s Proposed Fee Structure

Proposed fee structure remains flawed and may contribute to the perception of a “broken” patent system.

The SEC’s Quest for Informational Symmetry

The SEC’s Quest for Informational Symmetry

Penn Law professor concludes Regulation FD has reduced selective disclosure.

“Revolutionary Turnaround” for SEC’s Rulemaking

“Revolutionary Turnaround” for SEC’s Rulemaking

Law professor argues that cost-benefit analysis could make securities regulation more effective.

Ryan’s Record on Regulation

Ryan’s Record on Regulation

Presumptive Republican veep nominee has proposed cutting agency funding and deregulating industries.

California Adopts “Homeowners Bill of Rights” to Combat Foreclosures

California Adopts “Homeowners Bill of Rights” to Combat Foreclosures

The Golden State joins other jurisdictions in adopting reforms to lower foreclosure rates.

PPR Hosts Washington Workshop on Economic Impacts of Regulation

PPR Hosts Washington Workshop on Economic Impacts of Regulation

Roundtable in Washington D.C. focuses on analyzing regulatory impacts on employment.