“Revolutionary Turnaround” for SEC’s Rulemaking
Law professor argues that cost-benefit analysis could make securities regulation more effective.
Ryan’s Record on Regulation
Presumptive Republican veep nominee has proposed cutting agency funding and deregulating industries.
California Adopts “Homeowners Bill of Rights” to Combat Foreclosures
The Golden State joins other jurisdictions in adopting reforms to lower foreclosure rates.
PPR Hosts Washington Workshop on Economic Impacts of Regulation
Roundtable in Washington D.C. focuses on analyzing regulatory impacts on employment.
The Final Days of the Office of Thrift Supervision
OTS may not deserve some criticism from its performance during the financial crisis.
The Apple E-Books Litigation: A Page-Turner
Allegations in complaints befit a conspiracy novel – one that Apple argues is completely fictional.
Roundtable Illuminates Challenges of Implementing the Volcker Rule
Prominent scholars, practitioners, and policy officials gather to discuss challenges presented by new banking rules.
Pennsylvania’s SNAP Asset Test Will Backfire
The test will be expensive and discourage efforts to become financially independent.
FHFA Proposes New Strategy for Fannie and Freddie
Agency seeks housing stability while decreasing government involvement.
Mortgage Servicers Agree to Largest Civil Settlement Ever
Lenders agree to $25 billion settlement with federal and state governments.
A Pill Everyone Can Swallow
The FDA’s proposal to modernize generic drug approvals meets with broad support.
FTC Stalls Omnicare/PharMerica Merger
Antitrust complaint filed against pharmaceutical industry deal.