
FTC Holds Workshop on Preventing Patent Hold-Ups

FTC Holds Workshop on Preventing Patent Hold-Ups

Workshop participants considered mandating disclosure and restricting license terms.

Rulemakings at the Fed, CFPB Need White House Supervision

Rulemakings at the Fed, CFPB Need White House Supervision

After Dodd-Frank, financial regulations of independent agencies should be subject to OIRA review.

Do Americans Care About the Debt Ceiling?

Do Americans Care About the Debt Ceiling?

The government should not resolve the debt ceiling crisis, as it did the financial crisis, by manipulating the rule of law.

Federal Judge Rejects Amended Google Books Settlement

Federal Judge Rejects Amended Google Books Settlement

Judge finds that settlement would unduly increase Google’s market power.

FTC Issues Pay-for-Delay Report

FTC Issues Pay-for-Delay Report

Report finds consumer harm in rise of pay-for-delay agreements.

Regulators Introduce New Risk Retention Rule for Banks

Regulators Introduce New Risk Retention Rule for Banks

Proposal would require banks to retain some risk on most securities they issue.

Proposed FDIC Rule Clarifies Liquidation Process For “Too Big To Fail” Firms

Proposed FDIC Rule Clarifies Liquidation Process For “Too Big To Fail” Firms

Proposal would set debt priority and authorize taking compensation in certain cases.

United States and EU Reduce Reliance on Credit Rating Agencies

United States and EU Reduce Reliance on Credit Rating Agencies

The SEC eliminates references to CRA ratings from its rules, while the EU increases its oversight of CRAs.

SEC’s Home-Court Advantage?

SEC’s Home-Court Advantage?

The SEC uses its new authority to take administrative action.

Report on Financial Crisis Singles Out the Office of Thrift Supervision

Report on Financial Crisis Singles Out the Office of Thrift Supervision

Senate subcommittee staff report faults OTS in Washington Mutual collapse.

DOJ Approves the Google-ITA Merger but More Antitrust Scrutiny May Be Waiting in the Wings

DOJ Approves the Google-ITA Merger but More Antitrust Scrutiny May Be Waiting in the Wings

The FTC may investigate Google’s practices after the company settles with the DOJ.

Google, Microsoft, and Monopoly Probe: Does Attitude Mean Anything?

Google, Microsoft, and Monopoly Probe: Does Attitude Mean Anything?

Corporate culture affects how antitrust regulators and judges perceive the actions of corporations.