Investing for Values, Value, or Both?
Fiduciaries should account for participant preferences in designing ESG-friendly 401(k) retirement plans.
ESG and Retirement Plan Investing
Scholars and practitioners assess recent changes to ERISA regulations that allow greater choice in investing.
The Growth in Business Support for Regulation
Businesses in the United States are increasingly supporting regulation and regulators against judicial decisions curtailing agency authority.
Regulators Propose Updates to Community Reinvestment Act Rules
Financial regulators propose new rules to expand and modernize law that targets inequities in bank lending.
Leaving Broker Inducements Behind
Scholar presents defenses that the SEC may use to legitimize restrictions on broker inducements.
Recentering the Federal Reserve’s Removal Power
Scholars advocate the greater exercise of the Fed’s unique removal power.
Merger Law Is Dante’s Inferno Revisited
The shift by agencies away from the current guidelines on mergers and acquisitions has left firms in limbo.
CFPB Targets Illegal Junk Fees
New CFPB guidance puts banks on notice that unfair business practices may be met with enforcement action.
Banking on an Antitrust Revival
Scholar argues that antitrust regulators should more closely scrutinize bank mergers.
Back to the Future of U.S. Securities Regulation
Scholars analyze the history of Supreme Court securities law jurisprudence to predict what lies ahead.
Assuaging Fears About Boardroom Gender Mandates
Scholars argue that gender-balancing policies will not reduce corporate value.