Is the SEC Moving Beyond Disclosure?
Former regulator argues that proposed SEC rules open up new regulation of securities markets.
The P2P Fraud Conundrum
Regulators must strike a difficult balance in tamping down increased fraud on peer-to-peer payment platforms.
Amusement Park Regulation’s Bumpy Ride
A patchwork of state and private industry oversight leaves room for federal intervention.
A Tale of Two Cities’ Diversifying Economies
Nevada offers a case study of how states can succeed in attracting new employers.
Making Regulations on Influencer Advertising Click
Scholars offer approaches to improve regulation of social media marketing.
Is Fast Fashion Moving Too Fast?
Scholars assess what it will take to support sustainability within the global fashion industry.
Regulating Contracts in Poultry Production
The U.S. Department of Agriculture proposes requiring chicken processors to provide more information in their contracts with growers.
The Financial System’s Pandemic Shield
Scholars argue that Basel III Accords limited economic fallout from COVID-19.
The Regulatory Challenges of FinTech
Scholar sketches the current regulatory landscape for financial technologies in the United States.
Regulating Sponsored Influencer Marketing
Influencer advertising can bring large profits, but experts say it may also pose unique dangers to consumers.
Antitrust Can Be Antiracist
Scholars argue that antitrust law can complement antidiscrimination law in the fight against systemic racism.
Forcing Marginalized Communities to Compete
Scholar argues that pension fund managers have pitted vulnerable retirees against marginalized communities.